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Custom Flower Essence Consult (Adult)

Receive a customized flower essence blend handcrafted based on your unique personality and needs.

15 min
95 Canadian dollars
Virtual Meeting

Service Description

Flower essences are a subtle energy medicine that carries the vibrational energy of flowers which can assist in gently shifting the mental, emotional, and spiritual state. The process of imprinting the vibrational frequencies of a flower onto water, as used in the creation of flower essences, is based on the concept that water can hold and transmit the vibrational frequency of substances it comes into contact with.  They are chosen based on the emotional situation of a person, not their physical situation. By working with the emotional state first, the flower essences help to shift any challenging emotional mental patterns that may lend themselves to physical challenges as well.  For example, if a person is immobilized by overly tense muscles due to a hard-driving, over-striving personality. This tension could show up as rheumatoid arthritis. If the cause of the health issue was the emotional immobility, dandelion flower essence may be recommended. This should release the issue of emotional immobility and produce significant changes in their arthritis as well. It might take weeks or even months to change the physical symptoms but can sometimes happen within days. Discover the exact flower essences that will benefit you or family the most with a customized flower essence blend. You and your family members each have your own personality, energetic constitution, and physical make-up. You are unique and so are the plants that are used in preparing essences. The plants that will balance your body and energy field may be different than those needed by your other family members. 1. Online flower essence personality quiz 2. 15-minute live virtual consult 3. Customized Flower Essence Spray designed just for you 4. Customized report on the flower essences chosen for your blend 5. Free shipping within Canada* *Additional fees may apply to international customers In a private virtual consult we will dive into what makes you unique by asking questions like:  ~ What fills you up with energy? ~ What depletes you? ~ What may be out of balance in your physical or energetic body? ~ What are your current struggles & challenges? ~ How do you want to feel? We then match your answers with the essences that share the same unique patterns as you and may help you shift back into your optimal balance.

Cancellation Policy

That Lady In The Woods – A Private Member Association is a private association. By joining That Lady In The Woods - A Private Member Association and/or any website or Social Media Group started by, created by, or organized by the Association, I declare that (a) I am NOT a government agent, detective, or representative working to entrap or investigate someone and that (b) any item or service that I give money to is a donation for its creation and NOT a purchase. I agree to the terms and conditions of That Lady In The Woods – A Private Member Association, hereinafter “the Association”, A Private Member Association (PMA) in the Private Domain, as follows: Your use of That Lady In The Woods – A Private Members Association (referred to as “That Lady In The Woods”) website and all products, services, documents and information available thereon are offered to you on your acceptance of our Terms of Use, our Privacy Policy, our Disclaimer and Waiver and other notices posted on this website. Your use of this website, or of any products or services or documents presented in any area of this website, indicates your acknowledgment and agreement to these Terms of Use, our Privacy Policy, our Disclaimer and Waiver and other notices posted on this website. We suggest you print a copy of each of these documents for your records. Private Domain Members arranging for services or events with other members of this Association are entering into a private arrangement between themselves. These arrangements, are in the private domain, are outside the administrative responsibilities of the Association Executive. Service Booking • All services must be booked a minimum of 24 hours in advance and no greater than 4 months in advance. • Services may be booked by using the online booking form in the private members area of That Lady In The Woods website or by contacting the member providing a service directly. • A donation as outlined in the service description will be required in advance of services being rendered. Cancellations/Rescheduling • Service cancellations/rescheduling must be communicated to the practitioner a minimum of 24 hours in advance via email, phone, or through the private members app. • If a member fails to notify the practitioner a minimum of 24 hours in advance, he/she will be required to fulfill the donation amount for the service. Refunds • No refunds will be issued for services. If a member is unable to attend a session he/she may reschedule their session to an

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